WU Campus


Affiliated faculty member sportsbetFelix Fattinger (and his co-authors Marc Chesney, Jonathan Krakow, and Simon Straumann) are presenting their paper „Interest Rates, Competition, and Complexity: Demand and Supply of Retail Financial Products“ at three different conferences:

3-5 June, 2022: The Financial Intermediation Research Society (FIRS) in Budapest
24-27 August, 2022: European Finance Association in Barcelona
7-8 July, 2022: SAFE Household Finance Workshop in Frankfurt

Paper: „Interest Rates, Competition, and Complexity: Demand and Supply of Retail Financial Products“
Authors: Marc Chesney (University of Zurich)sportsbet.io, Felix Fattinger (WU Vienna University of Economics and Business), Nils Jonathan Krakow (University of Zurich), Simon Straumann (WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management)

Paper accepted for presentation

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